Participants Import
This article explains how an organiser can bulk import its participants/visitor to the event using the import functionality.
Visitor Import:
The visitor import follows a simple process of populating the visitor data in the sample import file from Admin Panel →Data→Import/Export → Participants with all system and custom fields added to the visitor registration pipeline

Participant Import
For the accurate import process, there are 3 mandatory columns to be filled Email address, Name, Surname.

Participants Sample Import File
Organizers in addition to the system fields can also upload the custom fields added to the registration form. You just need to mention those fields at the end of the import file along with the value ID + email address.
In case of multiple choice question you can add more than one option for the custom question field separating each option by comma(,)
To import the option of custom questions in the import file, obtain the value ID of a custom question from the registration pipeline. Click on the pencil icon for that question and copy the values/ID from the right column to the import sheet.
After adding all the details in the sample import file, click on Choose file → Confirm → Select the file you have created.
Now there will be a dialogue box with the option to simply upload the file or upload and send emails if you choose the latter then after the upload, the email will be sent to all the visitors informing them about their registration in the event and along with their credentials.

The email send can be configured from Registration Setting→ Registration Email→Visitor
Once the decision has been made whether you want to send the email communication or not, there will be an interactive upload manager where you need to match the respective custom question field in the import file with this merger and then click Submit to upload the file

Speaker Import:
The speaker being part of Visitor import follows the same import process as visitor import.
Download the example file and fill in all the data
Now in the example file “Is Speaker” column you need to fill in “Yes” to recognize the user as a speaker.

Similarly, organizers can import exhibitors' team members and moderators into the platform.
For custom fields with multiple values, you must use || as a separator :
During each import process, the organizer can choose to send/not send the email to the users
Only prefilled values can be imported for time now, functionality to importing placeholder values doesn’t exist