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Exhibitor Team Members Import

In our platform, admin & team members are Exhibitor roles assigned to the participants. After you have imported exhibitors, you can now map admin members to the exhibitors. Follow the below steps for Team Admin and Member import.

  • Navigate to Data →Import/Export→Download the example file for the participant Import.

  • The Exhibitor ID and Exhibitor Role column need to be populated to the participant's sheet. Exhibitor Id which is nothing but the system-generated unique IDs for each exhibitor that get created while adding any exhibitor to the system. Add this ID against the corresponding Team member role

Organizer can upload the Connection Settings permission for the Team Members via the import functionality. To allow meeting/message the column can be filled in as Yes, to disallow meeting/message the column should be filled in as No.

If the toggle for Allow Manage connection setting for Team Member is OFF under Registration →Exhibitor → Additional Settings then values in columns “Meetings Allowed” and “Chats Allowed“ of participants import file will be ignored.

If the uploaded user is not a team member then too the values in columns “Meetings Allowed” and “Chats Allowed“ of participants import file will be ignored.

This data can also be exported from Data Import/Export Export Team Member

Sample Import File : Participants

  • Please click on the “Choose file” option & click on Confirm to upload the file.

  • Now choose whether to only want to upload or upload & send emails(it sends exhibitor team member emails right away)

The email can be configured from Registration Setting Registration EmailExhibitor Exhibitor Team Member

  • A data merger tab will pop up & in the merger tab, please map the “Exhibitor Role” with “Role” & “Exhibitor” by “Exhibitor ID” as shown below -

Upload Merger

 The upload will take some time & then you can check under Management>>Exhibitors.


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