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Breakout Online Session

As an organiser, you can create an online breakout room where everyone can potentially enable their microphone and/or camera.

The breakout room has a capacity of 250 participants. 

There are 3 views in the breakout room, as mentioned below.

  •  Participant view

  •  Speaker View

  •  Moderator view - The Moderators have the right to control the mic, camera, and share-screen options for all other users.

In a breakout session, the camera and microphone of speakers and participants can only be activated if the moderator authorizes access. The responsibility for controlling these options lies solely with the moderator. Participants will experience a similar view of the breakout room but won't be able to manage their microphone, camera, or screen share options.

As an organiser, you can also customise the text colour and background of the session room.

Moderator view of the Breakout room:

Breakout session room: Moderator POV

After all participants have joined the session, the moderator can select "Participants" in the top-right corner and modify the settings for a speaker or participant. Following this, they will have the option to enable or disable the microphone, camera, or screen share (as shown in the attached screenshot):

Below are the additional settings that are available in the breakout room: 

Session Room Settings

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