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About Ongoing Developments

Welcome to the Ongoing Developments space! Here, you'll find the latest updates on the features that we are currently developing for our product. Before you dive in, please take note of the following:

🚫 Internal Access Only

The feature codes provided here are for internal use only and can be accessed by our Technical Account Managers (TAMs). If you need detailed information about any of the ongoing developments, please reach out to your TAM for assistance.

⏱️ Real-Time Status Updates

The statuses are continuously updated to reflect the current progress, so you always have the latest information.

New Features

As we add new features to our development pipeline, they'll appear on this page. This ensures you're always informed about the latest and greatest developments in our product.

Completed Features

Once a feature is completed and marked as "Done," it will be moved to the Released Notes section. This makes it easy to reference all features that have been successfully released.

🕒 Patience Pays Off

We understand that some features may be particularly exciting for your event needs. However, we kindly ask for your patience until these features are officially marked as "Done." Providing exact go-live dates can be challenging, and waiting for the "Done" status helps us ensure clear communication and accurate information.

Feel free to explore the ongoing developments, and stay informed about the latest features coming your way!

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