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Searching exhibitors, products and brands

This article talks about how an end user can search for Exhibitors, Products and Brands on the event website.

To get started click on Navigation Bar → Click on EXHIBITORS & PRODUCTS/MARKETPLACE

You can search for exhibitors, products and brands using filters such as Hall, Product Category, Country & Tags.

Please select the “Exhibitors

You can also filter & search exhibitors by company name, product categories, and countries.

Similarly, by selecting Products or Brands, a user can follow the same procedure to refine and filter searches based on the fields explained above.

  • Products:

  • Brands:

The pagination is set up in a way that the Exhibitors, Products and brands gets endlessly scrolled & displayed while you are scrolling down as shown in the recording below.

  • Online feature: You have the ability to view exhibitors who are currently online at any given moment. To indicate their online status, a green dot will be displayed in the top right corner of the exhibitor, as illustrated below.

Indicates exhibitor is Online

Exhibitor Catalogue: The default setting on the exhibitor page shows 12 exhibitors. You also have the flexibility to adjust the number of exhibitors displayed to 8, 24, 36, 48, or 60.

Event Organizer can navigate to Admin Panel – General – Settings – Marketplace to set the number of exhibitors that should be displayed on the Marketplace.

  • Admin Panel Settings

Marketplace showcasing exhibitors

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