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Matchmaking and AI Recommendations

This page shows the result of all match-made objects on the event. The matching algorithm is initialised using registration data. - It learns over time based on user behaviour - interactions between users. - It uses information from peer interests and behaviour that influences recommendations for the user

Steps to view Match Made Profiles

  1. Navigate to the Matchmaking tab from the app's burger menu.

  2. Click on "Show all my matches" at the bottom of the screen.

  3. The app will display a list of all your matched user details. If you'd like to request a meeting or send messages to any user, simply click on the corresponding "Meet" or "Message" icons.

  4. You can also sort the list in ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) order according to your preferences.

  5. For more refined searching, make use of the "Filter" option situated at the top of the app screen. Click on "Filter," and then select the relevant categories and options that align with your specific criteria to narrow down the results.

  • Recommendations are generated according to the user's profile and the interest categories they have chosen. The system suggests objects or profiles to users, and these recommendations can be found in the "Recommendation" tab on the app.

Recommendation is only for visitor and Team Member, it is not applicable to the exhibitor profile

Steps to view Recommended Profiles

  1. Go to the Recommendation tab in the app's burger menu.

  2. You'll find a list of all the recommended objects and profiles, which are determined based on platform settings.

  3. Users have the option to mark any user profile as a favourite, request a meeting, or send a message directly from this tab.

  4. For recommended sessions, you can also mark them as favourites or schedule them.


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