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Making the Most of Lead Retrieval

With ExpoPlatform you can generate leads before, during and after the event, and can follow up with them in real-time through the platform and the event app.

What is considered a lead for exhibitors

Several methods are available for lead generation for the exhibitors.

  1. Dashboard showing who is interacting with your company profile, products and team members

  2. Our event app includes the ability to scan badges, categorize leads, rate leads and make notes, including offline scanning of badges

  3. The ability for visitors to scan badges and scan company and product QR codes

  4. The ability for visitors to favourite companies and products

  5. Users attending and favouriting the session sponsored by exhibitors

  6. The ability of the user to interact with the the banner of the exhibitors

Here is a short presentation on how to make the most out of lead retrieval.

Making the Most of Lead Retrieval.pdf

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