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Deleting Account using the Mobile App

As a user, you have the option to delete your account from the mobile application. The user has the option either to cancel the registration from the current event or delete the account globally from the database.

If users click on “Cancel Registration” then the account will be deleted from the current event only, but if the user clicks on “Delete My Account Globally” then the account will be deleted from other events as well.

To delete the account, the user needs to follow some basic steps, firstly they need to click on the hamburger menu and then they will see an option for Settings:-

Burger Menu

After clicking on the “Setting” button user will be redirected to a separate page where they will notice two options:-

Settings Tab

Cancel Registration if the user wants to delete the account from a specific event.

Delete My Account Globally” if the user wants to delete the account from all the events.

After clicking on any option, there will be a confirmation pop-up which will require the password to perform the action.

Cancelling Registration

If the password is correct, then the action will be performed and the user will be logged out from the system.

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