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Table meetings

This article covers how an organiser can view all the table meetings setup amongst the users.

Access table meetings

Go to Networking and Matchmaking Table Meetings list 

Table Meeting List


  1. The location name and table number of the meeting

  2. Mark as completed - by clicking here concierge will mark this meeting as completed.

  3. Status of meeting (Confirmed, Unconfirmed, Canceled) (Please note that all meetings scheduled by the Concierge are automatically Confirmed. In case one of the parties will reschedule it, it will require the second party to accept those changes, meanwhile meeting will be listed as Unconfirmed)

  4. Date and time of the meeting

  5. Meeting Tag

  6. Between whom and whom we have a meeting

  7. Name of the concierge who created the meeting or no name in case the meeting was created by attendees

  8. Actions

  9. Export Data - creates Excel data file related to meetings

  10. Filters

Table meetings needs to be enabled for each participant/exhibitor category to allow the users to book table meetings.

Admin Panel Settings: Registration Settings Visitor Participant Category Click on Setting gear Enable Table Meeting for that user category


By clicking on Actions you will see the following options:


  1. Confirm - will appear only for unconfirmed meetings, concierge may approve meeting by himself manually

  2. Reschedule meeting - will land you on the Fill in meeting information step (5.3 Fill in meeting information)

  3. Cancel - will cancel the meeting


By clicking on filters you will see the following options:

  1. Filter meetings by Locations

  2. Filter meetings by status (All, unconfirmed, confirmed, cancelled)

  3. Tags

  4. Completeness (All, completed, uncompleted)

  5. Created by (All, User, Admin)

  6. Date

  7. Time frame

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