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Exhibitors (Exhibitor Manual)

This article outline the details of the exhibitor you have filled in the details configured in the Exhibitor Manual. One can see the details of the Exhibitor Information in Tabular form by navigating to Exhibitor Manual → Exhibitors.

Exhibitors : Exhibitor Manual

  1. Company Name: This refers to the name of the exhibitor company.

  2. Manual Submit: This section allows the organizer to set various pages/sections to capture details from the exhibitor. Profile info, Team Members and Summary are the default section that can be turned On/Off as per the event requirement

  3. Space Type: The type of space the exhibitors occupy.

  4. Exhibitor Arrival: Date and Time of arrival of exhibitor

  5. Material Arrival: Date and Time of arrival of material for the stand

  6. Dismantling: Date and Time of dismantling stand material

  7. Stand Size: The number of people who will be present on the stand

  8. Print Service Badge list: Allows you to print the list of all service badges ordered

  9. Download: You may download an excel file with the list of all those who have ordered service badges

You can access any of the companies and review both the submitted and unsubmitted data, as configured in the Manual Settings of the corresponding module.

By Clicking on the toggle “Show not submitted sections”, it shows you the not submitted sections as well(which are saved already in the Manual settings). We do have the following options available here:

  • Cancel order: Cancels the submitted data.

  • Back to exhibitors list: Take back to exhibitors view.

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