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Exhibitor Profile Building

This article explains the important piece of information that can be added to the exhibitor profile building

Exhibitor Username: The exhibitor username can include all symbols except the "&" symbol and any emoticons.

Exhibitor Logo: The exhibitor logo should be uploaded with dimensions of 500 x 500 pixels to avoid any errors on the platform during the upload process.

Exhibitors/Companies do not have any badges assigned to them. Badges are only assigned to Visitors/Participants, Team Members, Speaker and Moderators.

Updating Exhibitor Username

The organiser can update the Exhibitor username through Admin Panel.

Steps to update exhibitor username

  1. Login to Admin Panel

  2. Navigate to Management Exhibitors Click on the exhibitor name(Exhibitor Edit page) for which you wish to update the details/username

  3. Now scroll down to the bottom of the page: Generate Username and Password

  4. Update the username block and click on the save button to save the changes


Use case: If the email address used while creating the exhibitor is Invalid, the system will show an error while saving the username or any details on the Edit Exhibitor page. In such a situation the organiser can update exhibitor details using Exhibitor Import functionality.

Read More on how to update and create new exhibitors using Exhibitor Import Exhibitor Import

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