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Do we have a Print Badge option on Mobile Application?

On the mobile application, we do not have the menu to add an option to print a badge rather organiser can enable My Badge option that would show the user badge which can be scanned by other user on the event for Lead Retrieval.

How to enable My Badge option on App

Step 1: Navigate to App Builder Features Tab

Step 2: Scroll down to the page and go to App Menu

Step 3: Drag and Drop the My Badge option from the left menu under My Account to the App Menu on the right side of the screen.

Step 4: Hit on the Apply button for all pages to save the changes


Adding My Badge to App Menu

Company Profiles do not have the badges assigned. Badges are only assigned to Visitors/Participants, Team Members, Speaker and Moderators

Exhibiting Companies do not have badges assigned, it is their team members to whom the exhibitor badge gets assigned

If no team member is added to the Exhibitor Profile, the Print badge option on the website added to the exhibitor frontend profile will not work.

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