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Custom CSS changes

Any custom modifications implemented by the organizer on the system pages are exclusively applicable to the website and cannot be transitioned to the mobile app.

Custom changes can include the following actions

  1. Renaming any block on the system page.

  2. Hiding any element on the system page

  3. Changes to the text of the error message popping up on the website because of specific action

  4. Changes to any system text added across all the system pages of the website

For Example: If the organiser wants to rename the Exhibitor Event on the Marketplace page as Stand Programme or anything similar, such changes can be made on the website using custom CSS code, however, these custom changes will not be transitioned to the mobile application on the Marketplace page.

Exhibitor List/Marketplace Page

Similarly, if the organiser wants to rename any of the options on the left menu bar on the Dashboard page can also be done by custom CSS.

Left Menu Panel

ExpoPlatform does not permit any custom alterations to the system page within the mobile application.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.