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Request for a Sample Product

This article provides guidance on configuring the Request for Sample feature within the Admin Panel. This feature enables users to request product samples during the event.

Admin Panel Settings

Firstly, this feature needs to be enabled from Module Management Frontend RFS & Backend Networking & Matchmaking RFS

Module Management

Steps to configure RFS

  1. Navigate to Networking & Matchmaking RFS Settings

  2. Add Title, Description and Images and Click on Save button

  3. Click on Add Sample Event and fill all the details like

    1. Sample Event Name

    2. Delivery Details Date

    3. Delivery Address

    4. Sample Event date

    5. Pick Up Details

  4. After adding all the details click on Save button.

RFS Settings

Email Templates

You can set email templates when Request for Sample is Received, Sent, Accepted and Declined.

RFS Email Templates

Variables that must be included are First Name, Last Name, Email, Product Name, Sample Event Name and Message

After configuring the RFS setting on the Admin Panel, it needs to be enabled for the exhibitors who are allowed to sample their products at the event

RFS can be activated for exhibitors at the Exhibitor Category level

Organizer can also import if the sample is available for the product by using the product import file

  • Product Import File

    Sample Id can be taken from the Admin Panel Newtworking & Matchmaking RFS Settings Refer to the Id in the Url

Frontend Settings/Configuration

Once the RFS is enabled for the exhibitors, the exhibitor can navigate to their profile on the front end and enable the sample toggle for the products for which they wish to sample.

Steps to set up sample for products

Enabling Sample Available for Product

  1. Navigate to Profile Info Products

  2. Click on the pencil icon on the product card

  3. Enable the Sample Available toggle and Select the event

  4. Click on the Save button

Now all the products for which the product sample is available can be searched on the Marketplace (Product Page) by using Sample Available toggle

Search Products with Samples available

Read Here how users can Request a Sample Product at the event website.

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