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Non-Badge QR Codes

There are several different types of QR codes available through the platform.

It is important to note that the QR codes discussed in this article are completely independent of the QR codes used on badges. For information about badges please refer to this article.

  • Exhibitor Company QR Codes

    • A unique QR code is generated for each exhibitor on the platform and can be found within each company’s profile both in the admin (Management > Exhibitors > click into the exhibitor’s profile) and on the front end (Profile > Settings > Company QR code)

    • These can be exported by the Organizer using the Exhibitor Export file

    • When this QR code is scanned, the user is taken to the company’s profile

    • An example of a use of these QR codes would be creating a wall of featured exhibitors or providing exhibitors with tabletop signs for their stand so visitors could scan to learn more about the company.

    • These scans would NOT appear in that exhibitor’s Who Scanned Me section of the app nor in that report, but the exhibitor can see these on their dashboard (Networking > Dashboard) on the QR Scans page

    • Organizers would be able to see these scans in the QR Scan report (Data > Data Import/Export) on the Exhibitors tab

  • Exhibitor Product QR Codes

    • A unique QR code is generated for each product on the platform and can be found within each product details page on the front end (Profile > Products > Edit Product)

    • These can be exported by the Organizer using the Product Export file

    • When this QR code is scanned, the user is taken to that product page

    • An example of a use of these QR codes would be for a product gallery or featured products area

    • These scans would NOT appear in that exhibitor’s Who Scanned Me section of the app nor in that report, but the exhibitor can see these on their dashboard (Networking > Dashboard) on the QR Scans page

    • Organizers would be able to see these scans in the QR Scan report (Data > Data Import/Export) on the Product tab

  • Exhibitor Content QR Codes

    • A unique QR code is generated for each piece of marketing content on the platform and can be found within each content details page on the front end (Profile > Video and Content > Edit Content)

    • These can be exported by the Organizer using the Content Export file

    • When this QR code is scanned, the user is prompted to download that piece of content

    • An example of a use of these QR codes would be on an exhibitor’s stand or on a featured content wall

    • These scans would NOT appear in that exhibitor’s Who Scanned Me section of the app nor in that report, but the exhibitor can see these on their dashboard (Networking > Dashboard) on the QR Scans page

    • Organizers would be able to see these scans in the QR Scan report (Data > Data Import/Export) on the Content tab

  • Visitor QR Codes

    • A unique QR code is generated for each registrant on the platform and can be found within each person’s profile both in the admin (Management > Participants > click into the person’s profile) and on the front end (Profile > Settings > My QR code)

    • These can be exported by the Organizer using the Visitor Export file

    • When this QR code is scanned, the user is taken to the person’s profile

    • An example of a use of these QR codes would be creating a wall of people you’d like to feature (distributors, premium exhibitor’s team members, speakers, etc.)

    • These scans would NOT appear in that visitor’s Who Scanned Me section of the app nor in that report

    • Organizers would be able to see these scans in the QR Scan report (Data > Data Import/Export) on the Visitors tab

QR codes can be enabled from the admin panel from General-> Setting->

General Info: /admin/general/settings

After enabling this, remember to click on the ‘Save’ button.

Please note - This scanning only works correctly for future events, the past events won’t be synced.

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