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Matchmaking Settings

This article describes how you can configure matchmaking for reach type of users


Enable Matchmaking: Turn the toggle on to enable the ‘Matchmaking’ feature.

Require About me section Visitor: An information frame will pop-up when the visitor logs in; and they would be required to enter text about themselves. 

Require About me section Team Member: An information frame will pop-up when the team member logs in; and they would be required to enter text about themselves. 

Require About me section Buyer: An information frame will pop-up when the buyer logs in; and they would be required to enter text about themselves. 

Require About me section Exhibitor: An information frame will pop-up when the exhibitor logs in; and they would be required to enter text about themselves. 

Include non-activated visitors: You may turn this feature on to include non-activated visitors (who have never logged in to their profile atleast once) in the matchmaking.

Allow Visitor to Visitor matchmaking: Turn this on to enable visitor-to-visitor matchmaking in the platform. Visitors will be able to see visitor cards in the matchmaking results.

Allow Exhibitor to Exhibitor matchmaking: Turn this on to enable exhibitor-to-exhibitor matchmaking in the platform. Exhibitors will be able to view exhibitor cards in the matchmaking results.

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