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A leaderboard is a visual representation or list that ranks users and objects based on the criteria of most popular and most active objects on the event. It lists the objects in descending order from the highest to the lowest.

Frontend View

Frontend View

The leaderboard shows the names and current scores of the leading products, exhibitors, visitors, buyers, speakers, moderators and News.

The leaderboard consists of 2 separate sections:

  • Most Popular

  • Most Active


This section shows the list of the most popular products, exhibitor, brands, visitors, Buyers, speakers, moderators and news.

Displaying Most Popular Exhibitor

In the above example, the popularity scores of the exhibitors are counted by the activity/actions taken by other users or exhibitors on these particular exhibitors. These actions are page view, favorite, message and meeting.

Seda LTD is at the top of the popular exhibitor's list with 8 points which shows that 8 unique actions were taken on this exhibitors, for example, 8 different users visit the profile of Seda LTD then this exhibitors will receive 8 popularity points. In a similar way, the popularity points are counted for products, visitors, brands, speakers, moderators and news.


This section shows the list of the most active exhibitors, visitors, buyers, speaker and moderators.

Most Active Visitor

In the above example, the activity scores of the visitors are counted by the activity/actions taken by a particular visitors. These actions are page view, favourite, message and meeting.

Kevin Steen is at the top of the active visitor’s list with 6 points, which means that Kevin has taken 6 unique actions. For example, if Kevin visits the profile of 6 different exhibitors then he will receive 6 activity points. In a similar way, the activity scores are counted for exhibitors, buyers, speakers and moderators.

By default the activity and popularity scores are set as “1” hence upon each action the activity and popularity score will increase by 1 point, but the organizer can change the points for each action with any numerical value and depending upon that value, the points will increase accordingly.

To change the value of scores navigate to Networking & Management >> Interaction Scores.

Now, from this page, you can set the score points for each of the actions.

Interaction Score


Go to Website Builder, in the platform modules drag and drop “Most Active” and “Most Popular” modules on the website page.

Legacy Website Builder: Platform Block

After you have selected the modules you can now choose the categories and number of the items that should appear in the modules.

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