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How are buyers registered on the platform?

Agents are the person who registers the buyers. Each agent sends a unique registration link to the potential buyers. This way, the buyers can move a step further in the registration funnel to be either accepted/rejected for the event.

Go to Hosted Buyer Management --> Agents.

This will show you the list of the already added agents along with the statistics like Total Buyers, Accepted, Rejected, Pre-rejected/Pre-rejected etc.

Add Agent

The organizer has the capability to designate any visitor category as "Buyer," and all visitors tagged with this category will be accessible within the Buyer list in the Hosted Buyer Module.

To add an agent, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click on "Add New Agent"

Step 2: Add all the information like First Name, Last Name, Agent Code, Email, Password

Step 3: Click on "Generate Agent Link" --> This will generate a link which the agent sends out to the potential buyers.

Step 4: Assign a buyer category & country to the agent

Buyer Category needs to be enabled from Registration Settings Visitor Participants Category Enable toggle under Is Buyer Column

  • image-20240102-084720.png

    Marking Visitor Category as Buyer


    Selecting Buyer Category

Click on SAVE --> This will automatically generate an email (Agent Registration) which can be configured in the emails section. (As shown below)

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