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Conditional Logic

One difference from the generic form builder is that the registration form builder allows conditional logic in the Contact Details and Custom section types.

Questions can be defined as conditional, and the visibility of grids can depend on the answers that were given to questions. This effectively enables a custom registration experience for different visitors, depending on their category and answers to questions.

To create a conditional question, select a multiple-choice form element (e.g. a selector), open its settings, and tick the Conditional checkbox.

Marking a question as Conditional

It is also usually (though not always) a good idea to mark all conditional questions as Required, as this avoids issues with registration logic when someone skips a question. 

To make use of a conditional question, select a grid, and click on its properties. Inside the properties of the grid, the Visible To section defines which visitor categories, as well as for what answers to which questions the grid should be visible. 

Selecting the visibility of the question to specific user or answers

Be aware, when using a category as a condition to trigger a Grid for a specific Participant category, the field “category” is obligatory to be in the registration pipeline.

The following types of steps can be set up as part of the registration pipeline:

  • Contact details

  • Custom form (any number)

  • Professional Information

  • Hospitality

  • Round Tables

  • Ticketing

  • Accompanying Persons

Please note that each of these step types can be renamed by clicking on the step and changing the text in the appropriate field. Most steps can also be switched on or off by clicking the on/off button. Some steps (e.g. custom steps) can also be deleted permanently.

Contact details, Custom form, Professional information, all three of these registration steps rely entirely on the form builder and include the conditional logic add-on.

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